While in a level do the following with Lara: Walk one step forward (using the walk key), take one step backward, turn around 3 full times (doesn't matter whichĤ. Do the same as above then jump forward to skip levels.Release Shift and turn 360 degrees to your right three times. Hold Shift and take one step forward then one step backward.Download the totally sexist and dehumanizing Nude Laura Patch.Voodoo 2 3Dfx2 patchUsed with the patch above to change files to make it work.Nude Raider for all levels v1.03 Must copy Data folder from CD to your hard drive for it to work.Once down there find another green box and pull it back once and to the right once.¿Jump up into the secret passage and into the water.¿Swim around the tank to the other side but stay neer the glass and you find the key in the water.¿You can find it by looking around the fish tank in the basement.Type the following codes to achieve the desired result: In the room climb up onto the ledge and push the box from the attic to the left.¿ Then go to the other end of the ledge, light a flair and pull the lever on the wall.¿ While the door opening scene runs press CIRCLE to turn around and run to the door under the stairs. Next go down the hall and go into the attic and light a flair.¿ Find the green or blue box and push it forword twice.¿ Leave the attic and go to the library in the upstairs.¿ On the bookshelf on the wall on the right there is a book that you have to push.Īfter you push it the fire in the fire place will go out.¿ Go into the fire place and turn left you should be abel to climb the wall to a secret passage follow the passage to a room. To find the key to Lara's race track you first need to lock the butler in the freezer.¿ Then go to your bed room and get the flairs in the room next to her bed. Inside you will see artifacts Lara has found in past games. Flip the lever and immediately turn and sprint to a room behind you.

That just opened a secret place in Lara's main room of her house. On the back of the diving board is a switch. When you get into the mansion go to the pool. JUMP Backward to get all items, weapons, and ammo.