Otherwise, if the controllers have a new ID, the game will want you to rebind everything, so it is easier to exit and unplug the devices and plug them in the correct order. You should try to remeber which device is ID1 so you make sure to plug that one in first. If another USB device is the ID 1, you can uninstall it in the device manager and plug it back in so it reinstalls on a lower ID. You can open the windows controllers to bring up the list which is in order by gamepad ID. Try to have your wheel as the ID 1 gamepad. You can open input.ini in the RBR folder to flip any axises as needed. If you are unable to change your degrees of rotation, you can instead yank the wheel and the game will detect it. If it has issues detecting your wheel axis on the input menu, try lowering the degrees of rotation in the wheel software to below 90 and the game will detect it and you can change the degrees back. When you add a new USB device, the game will reset all of its bindings. It is more realistic to use real Co-Driver voices as the voices from games tend to be unrealistically calm and clear.

Here is an example video showing the various driver audio. In the JSGE program, install 0 ALL-New Sound Mod v2.5 by LEZA, 4 DigiDash Position 1080p (or VRplay if you're using VR), and CoDriver - Scott Martin 2020 ReWorks v1.7 by LEZA. Copy the maps folder to the main RBR directory and overwrite. Go into the mods folder, and go into the "0 All Track Pacenotes (RECOMMEND MANUAL INSTALL-COPY AND PASTE)" folder. It will have a list of mods from the pack.

If you would like to have McRae in Gear pacenotes, go to the above link and download the pack. Descriptive notes uses descriptive terms such as Fast or Medium.

McRae in gear uses numbers to describe turn severity that are usually relative to the gear the car should be in for the turn, although these numbers don't strictly refer to the gear number. Most WRC drivers tend to use what's called the "McRae in gear" system, which many other rally games use. By default, the pacenotes are in what is called the Descriptive system, which is what Richard Burns preferred to use.